About Placenta Remedies

What is Placentophagy


Placentophagy is the act of a birth person consuming their placenta postpartum by either eating the placenta raw, cooked, in capsule form.


Benefits Of Encapsulation

  • Preventing or lessening the risk of Postpartum depression or "Baby Blues."
  • Replenishing your iron from blood loss during birth and to help prevent postpartum anemia. 
  • Gives you a consistent flow of oxytocin.
  • Providing the HPL hormone, helping to establish early and healthy milk production.
  • Helps to stabilize your ever-changing hormones post-birth.
  • Helps replenish your B vitamins and energy that was used during labor and the birth process.
  • Offers natural pain relief from your labor and childbirth.
  • Supports the overall healing process

Nutrients & Hormones found in your placenta and how they support your postpartum healing

  • Oxytocin - (the love hormone) assists in bonding, and healthy lactation, reduces anxiety, and reduces third-stage hemorrhage.
  •  Prostaglandin - Promotes cell regeneration and growth. Assist in healing placenta attachment sites, repair vaginal/ rectal tearing, minimize nipple soreness, and helps promote contractions to help the uterus return to a pre-pregnancy state.
  •  Estrogen - (the primary female sex hormone) the dramatic drop in Estrogen after birth can contribute to ppd. 10-25% of women experience major depression in the first 6 months of birth. While the effects of Estrogen are not completely understood. Research has linked Estrogen to mental clarity and emotional balance, Estrogen Anti-inflammatory properties also assist in healing. 
  •  Corticotropin Releasing hormone (CHR) - The placenta releases up to 3 times the normal level of CHR in the last trimester of pregnancy.  Postpartum CHR Depletion - With the delivery of the placenta, the CHR hormone production system is interrupted. The mother then left with a large decline in the CHR hormone in her body which can lead to an inability to deal with stress well, the feeling of being overwhelmed, and ppd. 1a
  •  Progesterone - (pregnancy hormone) assists in mental clarity, and cognitive function, reduce anxiety, boost energy, and regulates immune system function. 
  •  Prolactin (PRL referred to as the “milk hormone”) or Luteotropic hormone (LTH), functions to promote milk production. Prolactin is shown to support the reproductive, metabolic, regulation of the immune system, and behavioral functions.
  •  Human Placental Lactogen (HPL) -  the hormone made by the placenta similar to the human growth hormone. HPL breaks down fat from the mother to provide fuel to the baby. Mothers with high HPL levels can lead to insulin resistance in the mother (Gestational Diabetes)
  •  Endorphins and Opioids - The main endorphins in the placenta are called Placental Opioid Enhancing Factor (POEF) it is found in the placenta and amniotic fluid.  It provides natural pain relief; consuming the placenta will help prescription pain relievers work better because of the POEF it contains. Leading to needing less the prescription pain relief
  •  Serotonin and Vitamin B6 - Serotonin ( dependent on Vitamin B6)  helps to support regulated sleep patterns, balance weight, Improve mood, improve cognitive function, and aid in blood clotting. Vitamin B6 - prevents depression, improves mental clarity, supports the immune system, and supports wound healing postpartum.
  •  Copper - helps the body absorb Iron, increases white blood cells, and anti-inflammatory, thyroid support.
  •  Iron - Restores hemoglobin blood levels. A full placenta at term has the Iron equivalent of nearly two blood transfusions. Low Iron levels result in low hormone levels, fatigue, inability to concentrate, and symptoms of depression. 
  •  Selenium - Aids the thyroid in hormone production, aids in uterine recovery and decreases the risk of postpartum depression. 
  •  Zinc - Located in every tissue of the body. Zinc aids in hormone balance is an anti-inflammatory agent, and immune system support, increased energy, and assists in wound healing, and muscle growth and repair.


1a -Endocrinologist George Chrousos who led the NIH study concluded that since the placenta contains a large amount of oral active CHR, ingesting the placenta will stabilize CHR levels resulting in a more emotionally stable mother. Studies from the National Institute of Health have found that consuming the placenta stimulates and stabilizes CRH levels.



Risk Assessment Factor

  1. It's hard for me to ask for help.
  2. I've had trouble with my hormones and mood, especially before my period.
  3. I've depressed or anxious in my past.
  4. Sometimes it is hard to slow down: I don't need to sleep, have lots of new ideas, and fell very restless.
  5. My family is far away and I don't have many friends nearby.
  6. My Mother, Sister, or Aunt suffered from depression after the birth of their baby.

Risk Assessment.

If you answer "Yes" to 3 or more of these statements, you are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety during your postpartum.

Placenta Preparation Methods

Simple Dried Method (SDM)

The placenta is rinsed, sliced, and then dehydrated at 160 degrees. The placenta is then ground into a powder for encapsulation.

  • Highest potency of nutrients and hormones
  • Yields more capsules

Simple Steamed Method (SSM)

The placenta is rinsed, steamed to 160°f internal temperature, sliced and dehydrated. The placenta is then ground into a powder and encapsulated.

  • Recommended for all GBS positive clients * 
  • History of anxiety
  • Caffeine Sensitivity  

 * this is only a recommendation and not a requirement for all GBS + clients. 

Herbal Steamed Method (HSM)

Your placenta is rinsed, steamed with fresh ginger, pepper and lemons. Then sliced, dehydrated, and ground into powder for encapsulation. This Herbal steamed method is inspired by  Traditional Chinese Medicine. The fresh herbs are used to warm the body internally for optimal healing. 

50/50 Method

We offer a 50/50 method to clients that would like to have more than one preparation method used for their placenta encapsulation. You can choose any two of our four placenta preparation methods.

Additional Placenta Remedies Available

Post Birth Smoothies * Highly Recommended

Post- Birth Smoothies are a great way to get the immediate healing benefits of your placenta. They are made and delivered within 24 hours of birth if local to GSP. 

Create your own smoothie blend from our ingredient list.

Placenta tinctures are a great way to use the benefits of your placenta long-term. Placenta tinctures can be made from the raw placenta or placenta powder. Placenta tinctures are made in 100 proof Vodka or Brandy for purity and extended shelf life. Tinctures are used for an energy boost, hormonal balance, PMS symptoms, and the menopausal transition. Placenta tincture takes 6 weeks or more to make due to the fermentation process.

Healing Salve

Our healing salve can be made with or without the placenta. Healing Salve is made from a special blend of organic oils and herbs.  Our healing salve can be used for nipple cream, c-section incision, diaper rash cream, cuts and scrapes, and much more.

Placenta Chocolates

Placenta chocolates is a easy way to get the daily healing benefits of your placenta. Ground placenta is added to dark or milk chocolate and molded into individual candies. 

Placenta Gummies

 Are you looking for an alternative to taking a capsule, or would you prefer something with more flavor?  These little power-packed gummies offer all the amazing benefits of a placenta capsule in an easy-to-take gummy.  Our gummies come in six yummy flavors. 

Tart Cherry, Peach, Raspberry, Grape, Orange, and Strawberry Lemonade.

Gummies are available in three different placenta packages or as an add-on to other services.